How to update pnpm


Sourcegraph uses pnpm to handle client-side dependencies and we build our code with Bazel. We use' aspect_rules_js to integrate it with Bazel.

In practice, this means that when we're updating pnpm, we have to make sure that our Bazel building code is refecting it correctly.

When to update?

Unless we're facing a bug preventing to build code, we should aim to update pnpm as early as possible in the release cycle, so ideally just after a release has been made. This gives everyone enough breathing room to catch and fix possible issues that were introduced in the building system.

Who can update?

pnpm belongs to the build system, which while maintained and shephered by the DevX team, is a shared ownership. Everyone uses the build system daily, so it's only logical that everyone can improve it as well. So go ahead, and open a PR, be sure to tag the DevX team as reviewers for a swift review.

Performing the update

First, let's go through the following checklist to ensure that we can update:

  • Pick a version that is currently supported by aspect_rules_js.
    • Check which version of rules_js we're running with this search query.
    • Review this file to see which versions are available.
    • Also check if the versions we're aiming for is avalaible for the release of aspect_rules_js we're using. If not, it means we'll have to update it along the way.
  • Read the changelog for the new pnpm version.
  • Ensure there are no breaking changes introduced since the version that we're currently using.

Now that we have established that we can move to this version, we can proceed:

  • Updating the local environment tooling
    • Update .tools-version
      • Change the defined pnpm version.
    • Run asdf install pnpm to install the newly defined version.
    • Run pnpm -v to ensure it's correctly installed.
  • Updating package.json, setting the "pnpm" field to the new version.
  • Updating the lockfile as it may needs to change with that new version
    • Run pnpm i --lockfile-only
  • If during our checklist just above we found out that we need to also update aspect_rules_js
    • Grab from the WORSKPACE section the http_archive snippet and replace it in the WORKSPACE file.
  • Build a client Bazel target to ensure it works:
    • bazel build //client/web/dev:dev should build correctly.

At this point, we have updated the repository, but there are a few places that also need to have the correct pnpm version set for miscellaneous scrits to work:

  1. Search for the previous pnpm version to make sure we're not missing any.
  • Usually those are GitHub worflows, where we also need to hardcode that version, but better search and review than blindly upating it.
  • Update them accordingly (the above search query finds out matches that are not all about pnpm, be mindful when going through the results).

Now we're good to go! Let's push all these changes in a PR and tag the DevX team as reviewers.

💡 It's also a good practice to announce the update on #ask-dev-experience so everyone knows about the update, making it easier to revert it if another teammate build is broken by the update.