Clearing code intelligence data
Clear all precise code intelligence data from your instance and start fresh.
Clearing the The following commands assume a connection to the frontend
database. Refer to our guide on psql
if you do not use an external database.
If you are clearing all code intelligence data, then you will need to clear the metadata information in the frontend database. This will clear the high-level information about code intelligence indexes, but the raw data will remain in the codeintel-db
database, which will also need to be cleared (see the next section).
BEGIN; TRUNCATE lsif_uploads, lsif_uploads_audit_logs, lsif_uploads_reference_counts, codeintel_commit_dates, lsif_packages, lsif_references, lsif_nearest_uploads, lsif_nearest_uploads_links, lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip, lsif_dirty_repositories CASCADE; COMMIT;
Clearing the The following commands assume a connection to the codeintel-db
database. Refer to our guide on psql
if you do not use an external database.
Clearing LSIF data
Truncate the following tables to clear all LSIF-encoded information from the database. This command can be run when clearing all data from the instance, in which case the associated records in the frontend
database must also be cleared.
This command can also be run after a completed migration from LSIF to SCIP, in which case these tables should be empty but may retain a number of blocks containing a large number of dead tuples. Truncating these empty tables acts like a VACUUM FULL
and releases the previously used disk space.
BEGIN; TRUNCATE lsif_data_metadata, lsif_data_documents, lsif_data_documents_schema_versions, lsif_data_result_chunks, lsif_data_definitions, lsif_data_definitions_schema_versions, lsif_data_references, lsif_data_references_schema_versions, lsif_data_implementations, lsif_data_implementations_schema_versions, codeintel_last_reconcile CASCADE; COMMIT;
Clearing SCIP data
Truncate the following tables to clear all SCIP-encoded information from the database. Only run this command if you clearing all data from the instance, in which case the associated records in the frontend
database must also be cleared.
BEGIN; TRUNCATE codeintel_scip_metadata, codeintel_scip_documents, codeintel_scip_documents_schema_versions, codeintel_scip_document_lookup, codeintel_scip_document_lookup_schema_versions, codeintel_scip_documents_dereference_logs, codeintel_scip_symbols, codeintel_scip_symbols_schema_versions, codeintel_scip_symbol_names, codeintel_last_reconcile CASCADE; COMMIT;