TypeScript and JavaScript

This guide is meant to provide specific instructions to get you producing index data in LSIF as quickly as possible. The LSIF quick start and CI configuration guides provide more in depth descriptions of each step and a lot of helpful context that we haven't duplicated in each language guide.

Manual indexing

  1. Install lsif-node with npm install -g @sourcegraph/lsif-tsc or your favorite method of installing npm packages.

  2. Install the Sourcegraph CLI with

    curl -L https://sourcegraph.com/.api/src-cli/src_linux_amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/src
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src
    • macOS: replace linux with darwin in the URL
    • Windows: visit the CLI's repo for further instructions
  3. cd into your project's root (where the package.json/tsconfig.json) and run the following:

    # for typescript projects
    lsif-tsc -p .
    # for javascript projects
    lsif-tsc **/*.js --allowJs --checkJs

    Check out the tool's documentation if you're having trouble getting lsif-tsc to work. It accepts any options tsc does, so it shouldn't be too hard to get it running on your project.

  4. Upload the data to a Sourcegraph instance with

    # for private instances
    src -endpoint=<your sourcegraph endpoint> lsif upload
    # for public instances
    src lsif upload -github-token=<your github token>

    Visit the LSIF quickstart for more information about the upload command.

The upload command will provide a URL you can visit to see the upload's status, and when it's done you can visit the repo and check out the difference in code navigation quality! To troubleshoot issues, visit the more in depth LSIF quickstart guide and check out the documentation for the lsif-node and src-cli tools.

Automated indexing

We provide the docker images sourcegraph/lsif-node and sourcegraph/src-cli to make automating this process in your favorite CI framework as easy as possible. Note that the lsif-node image bundles src-cli so the second image may not be necessary.

Here's some examples in a couple popular frameworks, just substitute the indexer and upload commands with what works for your project locally:

GitHub Actions

    # this line will prevent forks of this repo from uploading lsif indexes
    if: github.repository == '<insert your repo name>'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: sourcegraph/lsif-node:latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Generate LSIF data
        run: lsif-tsc -p .
      - name: Upload LSIF data
        # this will upload to Sourcegraph.com, you may need to substitute a different command
        # by default, we ignore failures to avoid disrupting CI pipelines with non-critical errors.
        run: src lsif upload -github-token=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Note that if you need to install your dependencies in a custom container, you can use our containers as github actions. Try these steps instead:

    # this line will prevent forks of this repo from uploading lsif indexes
    if: github.repository == '<insert your repo name>'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: my-awesome-container
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: <install dependencies>
      - name: Generate LSIF data
        uses: docker://sourcegraph/lsif-node:latest
          args: lsif-tsc -p .
      - name: Upload LSIF data
        uses: docker://sourcegraph/src-cli:latest
          # this will upload to Sourcegraph.com, you may need to substitute a different command
          # by default, we ignore failures to avoid disrupting CI pipelines with non-critical errors.
          args: lsif upload -github-token=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The following projects have example GitHub Action workflows to generate and upload LSIF indexes.


version: 2.1

      - image: sourcegraph/lsif-node:latest
      - checkout
      - run: npm install
      - run: lsif-tsc -p .
        # this will upload to Sourcegraph.com, you may need to substitute a different command
        # by default, we ignore failures to avoid disrupting CI pipelines with non-critical errors.
      - run: src lsif upload -github-token=<<parameters.github-token>>

      - lsif-node

Note that if you need to install your dependencies in a custom container, may need to use CircleCI's caching features to share the build environment with our container. It may alternately be easier to add our tools to your container, but here's an example using caches:

      - image: my-awesome-container
      - checkout
      - <install dependencies>
      - save_cache:
            - node_modules
          key: dependencies

      - image: sourcegraph/lsif-node:latest
      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
            - dependencies
      - run: lsif-tsc -p .
        # this will upload to Sourcegraph.com, you may need to substitute a different command
        # by default, we ignore failures to avoid disrupting CI pipelines with non-critical errors.
      - run: src lsif upload -github-token=<<parameters.github-token>>

      - install-deps
      - lsif-node:
            - install-deps

The following projects have example CircleCI configurations to generate and upload LSIF indexes.

Travis CI

  - docker

    - stage: lsif-node
      # this will upload to Sourcegraph.com, you may need to substitute a different command
      # by default, we ignore failures to avoid disrupting CI pipelines with non-critical errors.
      - |
        docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -w /src sourcegraph/lsif-node:latest /bin/sh -c \
          "lsif-tsc -p .; src lsif upload -github-token=$GITHUB_TOKEN"        

The following projects have example Travis CI configurations to generate and upload LSIF indexes.