Configuring SAML

To configure Sourcegraph to use SAML authentication, you'll need to do 2 things:

  1. Add application configuration to your identity provider (e.g., Auth0) describing Sourcegraph.
  2. Add configuration to Sourcegraph describing your identity provider.

1. Add application configuration to your identity provider

Your identity provider should provide documentation on how to register a new SAML application. Here are links to docs for common identity providers:

If you do not see your identity provider in the list above or otherwise have trouble with SAML configuration, please reach out to [email protected].

Ensure the following values are set for the application configuration in the identity provider. (Note: the exact names and labels may vary slightly for different identity providers)

  • Assertion Consumer Service URL, Recipient URL, Destination URL, Single sign-on URL: (substituting the externalURL from your site configuration)
  • Service Provider (issuer, entity ID, audience URI, metadata URL): (substituting the externalURL from your site configuration). Some identity providers require you to input these metadata values manually, instead of fetching everything from one URL. In that case, navigate to and transcribe the values in the XML to the identity provider configuration.
  • Attribute statements (claims): Sourcegraph requires that an attribute email be set with the value of the user's verified email address. This is used to uniquely identify users to Sourcegraph. Other attributes such as login and displayName are optional.
    • email (required): the user's email
    • login (optional): the user's username
    • displayName (optional): the full name of the user

2. Add a SAML auth provider to Sourcegraph site configuration

  1. In Sourcegraph site config, ensure externalURL is set to a value (with no trailing slash) consistent with the URL you used in the previous section in the identity provider configuration.
  2. Add an item to auth.providers with type "saml" and either identityProviderMetadataURL or identityProviderMetadata set. The former is preferred, but not all identity providers support it (it is sometimes called "App Federation Metadata URL" or just "SAML metadata URL"). Here are some examples of what your site config might look like:

Example 1:

  // ...
  "externalURL": "",
  "auth.providers": [
      "type": "saml",
      "identityProviderMetadataURL": ""

Example 2:

  // ...
  "externalURL": "",
  "auth.providers": [
      "type": "saml",

      // This is a long XML string you download from your identity provider.
      // You can escape it to a JSON string using a tool like
      "identityProviderMetadata": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><EntityDescriptor ID=\"_86c6d3fd-e0a9-4b99-b830-40b248003fb9\" entityID=\"\" xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata\"><Signature xmlns=\"\"><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=\"\" /><SignatureMethod Algorithm=\"\" /><Reference URI=\"#_86c6d3fd-e0a9-4b99-b830-40b248003fb9\"><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=\"\" /><Transform Algorithm=\"\" /></Transforms><DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\" /><DigestValue> ..."

Confirm there are no error messages in the sourcegraph/server Docker container logs (or the sourcegraph-frontend pod logs, if Sourcegraph is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster). The most likely error message indicating a problem is Error prefetching SAML service provider metadata. See SAML troubleshooting for more tips.