
sg bazel configure prints out a warning about TSConfig

Everytime you run sg bazel configure, you'll see a warning:

$ sg bazel configure
Updating BUILD files for protobuf, go, javascript
2023/11/16 12:32:52 Failed to load base tsconfig file @sourcegraph/tsconfig: open /Users/thorstenball/work/sourcegraph/@sourcegraph/tsconfig: no such file or directory

The warning can be ignored, and is a known bug.

The analysis cache is being busted because of --action_env

Typically you'll see this (in CI or locally):

INFO: Build option --action_env has changed, discarding analysis cache.
  • If you added a build --action_env=VAR to one of the bazelrcs, and $VAR is not stable across builds, it will break the analysis cache. You should never pass a variable that is not stable, otherwise, the cache being busted is totally expected and there is no way around it.
    • Use build --action_env=VAR=123 instead to pin it down if it's not stable in your environment.
  • If you added a test --action_env=VAR, running bazel build [...] will have a different --action_env and because the analysis cache is the same for build and test that will automatically bust the cache.
    • Use build --test_env=VAR instead, so that env is used only in tests, and doesn't affect builds, while avoiding to bust the cache.

My JetBrains IDE becomes unresponsive after Bazel builds

By default, JetBrains IDEs such as GoLand will try and index the files in your project workspace. If you run Bazel locally, the resulting artifacts will be indexed, which will likely hog the full heap size that the IDE is allocated.

There is no reason to index these files, so you can just exclude them from indexing by right-clicking artifact directories, then choosing Mark directory asExcluded from the context menu. A restart is required to stop the indexing process.

My local sg bazel configure or ./dev/ci/bazel-prechecks.sh run has diff with a result of Bazel CI step

This could happen when there are any files which are not tracked by Git. These files affect the run of sg bazel configure and typically add more items to BUILD.bazel file.

Solution: run git clean -ffdx then run sg bazel configure again.

How do I clean up all local Bazel cache?

  1. The simplest way to clean up the cache is to use the clean command: bazel clean. This command will remove all output files and the cache in the bazel-* directories within your workspace. Use the --expunge flag to remove the entire working tree, including the cache directory, and force a full rebuild.
  2. To manually clear the global Bazel cache, you need to remove the respective folders from your machine. On macOS, the global cache is typically located at either ~/.cache/bazel or /var/tmp/_bazel_$(whoami).

Where do I find Bazel rules locally on disk?

Use bazel info output_base to find the output base directory. From there go to the external folder to find Bazel rules saved locally.

How do I build a container on MacOS

Our containers are only built for linux/amd64, therefore we need to cross-compile on MacOS to produce correct images. This is automatically handled by Bazel, so there should be no difference between the command to build containers on Linux and MacOS.


# Create and load a tarball that can be loaded in Docker of the worker service:
bazel run //cmd/worker:image_tarball

You can also use the same configuration flag to run the container tests on MacOS:

bazel test //cmd/worker:image_test

I am not able to run image tests locally as Docker is not detected

If you get an error like:

time="2024-02-28T06:31:07Z" level=fatal msg="error loading oci layout into daemon: error loading image: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?, %!s(MISSING)"

It might be because Docker Desktop was configured to use a different Docker socket during installation.

To fix this error, enable the checkbox under Docker Desktop > Settings > Advanced > Allow the default Docker socket to be used (requires password) and then restart Docker.

Can I run integration tests (bazel test //testing/...) locally?

At the time of writing this documentation, it's not possible to do so, because we need to cross compile to produce linux/amd64 container images, but the test runners need to run against your host architecture. If your host isn't linux/amd64 you won't be able to run those tests.

This is caused by the fact that there is no straightforward way of telling Bazel to use a given toolchain for certain targets and another one for others, in a consistent fashion across the various binaries we produce (rust+go).

See this issue to track progress on this particular problem.

When using nix, when protobuf gets compiled I get a C/C++ compiler issue fatal error: 'algorithm' file not found or some core header files are not found

Nix sets the CC environment variable to a clang version use by nix which is independent of the host system. You can verify this by running the following commands in your nix shell.

$ echo $CC

$ which $CC

$ cat bazel-sourcegraph/external/local_config_cc/cc_wrapper.sh | grep "# Call the C++ compiler" -A 2
# Call the C++ compiler
/nix/store/agjhf1m0xsvmdjkk8kc7bp3pic9lsfrb-clang-wrapper-11.1.0/bin/clang "$@"

Bazel runs a target called locate_cc_config which adheres to the CC environment variable. The variable defines the compiler to be used to perform C/C++ compilation. At time of writing, the compiler is incorrectly configured and the stdlib doesn't get referenced properly. Therefore, we currently recommend to unset the CC variable in your nix shell. The locate_cc_config will then find the system C/C++ compiler (which on my system resolved to /usr/bin/gcc) and compile protobuf.

You can also verify that the correct compiler is used by running the following command:

cat bazel-sourcegraph/external/local_config_cc/cc_wrapper.sh | grep "# Call the C++ compiler" -A 2
# Call the C++ compiler
/usr/bin/gcc "$@"

On MacOS, you get Bad CPU type for executable when running Bazel

This typically happens when bazel tries to use protoc to compile protobuf definitions and you're on an arm64 mac. The full error will look like the following:

src/main/tools/process-wrapper-legacy.cc:80: "execvp(bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/com_google_protobuf_protoc_macos_aarch64/protoc.exe, ...)": Bad CPU type in executable
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_ec2-user/c27d26456d2e68ea0aaccfcda2d35b4e/external/go_googleapis/google/api/BUILD.bazel:22:14: Generating Descriptor Set proto_library @go_googleapis//google/api:api_proto failed: (Exit 1): protoc.exe failed: error executing command (from target @go_googleapis//google/api:api_proto) bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/com_google_protobuf_protoc_macos_aarch64/protoc.exe --direct_dependencies google/api/launch_stage.proto ... (remaining 5 arguments skipped)

If you run the file utility on the protoc binary you'll see the CPU architecture mismatch.

file bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/com_google_protobuf_protoc_macos_aarch64/protoc.exe
bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/com_google_protobuf_protoc_macos_aarch64/protoc.exe: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

To fix this, you need to install Rosetta 2. There are various ways of doing that, but below is the CLI way to do it.

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

Tested on Darwin 22.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0

On MacOS, your build fails with xcrun failed with code 1. This most likely indicates that SDK version [10.10] for platform [MacOSX] is unsupported for the target version of xcode.

Bazel uses xcrun to locate the SDK and toolchain for iOS/Mac compilation and xcrun is fails to produce a version or it cannot find the correct directory. This might happen even if xcrun --show-sdk-path shows a valid path and xcrun --show-sdk-version shows a valid version. At the time of this entry we haven't found the exact cause of this issue and various other bazel projects have encountered the same issue.

Nonetheless, there is a workaround! Pass the following CLI flag when you try to build a target --macos_sdk_version=13.3. With the flag bazel should be able to find the MacOS SDK and you should not get the error anymore. It's recommended to add build --macos_sdk_version=13.3 to your .bazelrc file so that you don't have to add the CLI flag every time you invoke a build.

If you see this, it most probably means that you have a bazel run //something that calls git log. Git will look for a .mailmap at the root of the repository, which we do have in the monorepo. Because bazel run runs commands with a working directory which is in the runfiles, symbolic links are getting in the way.

While it says "error", it's to be noted that it doesn't prevent the Git command to continue.

The fix is pretty simple, assuming that you do have a git log command in the script that bazel run //something calls. Adding the --no-mailmap flag will prevent the error to show up:

git log --no-mailmap (...)

Please keep in mind that it will prevent git to properly map the email addresses for a few individuals, though in most cases that shouldn't be a problem as that's not what we're looking for when using git log in scripts.


Bazel queries (bazel query, bazel cquery and bazel aqueries) are powerful tools that can assist you to visualize dependencies and understand how targets are being built or tested.

Errors about not being able to fetch a manifest for an OCI rule

When running the following query:

bazel query 'kind("go_binary", rdeps(//..., //internal/database/migration/cliutil))'

We get the following error.

WARNING: Could not fetch the manifest. Either there was an authentication issue or trying to pull an image with OCI image media types.
Falling back to using `curl`. See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/17829 for the context.
INFO: Repository wolfi_redis_base_single instantiated at:
  /home/noah/Sourcegraph/sourcegraph/WORKSPACE:376:9: in <toplevel>
  /home/noah/Sourcegraph/sourcegraph/dev/oci_deps.bzl:73:13: in oci_deps
  /home/noah/.cache/bazel/_bazel_noah/8fd1d20666a46767e7f29541678514a0/external/rules_oci/oci/pull.bzl:133:18: in oci_pull
Repository rule oci_pull defined at:
  /home/noah/.cache/bazel/_bazel_noah/8fd1d20666a46767e7f29541678514a0/external/rules_oci/oci/private/pull.bzl:434:27: in <toplevel>
WARNING: Download from https://us.gcr.io/v2/sourcegraph-dev/wolfi-redis-base/manifests/sha256:08e80c858fe3ef9b5ffd1c4194a771b6fd45f9831ad40dad3b5f5b53af880582 failed: class com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.repository.downloader.UnrecoverableHttpException GET returned 401 Unauthorized
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'wolfi_redis_base_single':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/noah/.cache/bazel/_bazel_noah/8fd1d20666a46767e7f29541678514a0/external/rules_oci/oci/private/pull.bzl", line 357, column 46, in _oci_pull_impl
                mf, mf_len = downloader.download_manifest(rctx.attr.identifier, "manifest.json")

This query requires to analyse external dependencies for the base images, which are not yet publicly available.

Solution: gcloud auth configure-docker us.gcr.io to get access to the registry.

Solution: Pass the --keep_going additional flag to your bazel query command, so the evaluation doesn't stop at the first error.


Tests fail with connection refused

Any tests that make network calls on localhost need to be reachable from your Bazel build and test environment. If tests fail with errors like error="dial tcp connect: connection refused", you most likely have to allow outbound networking for the sandbox environment.

This can be achieved by adding the attribute tags = ["requires-network"] to the go_test rule in the BUILD.bazel file of the test directory.


It complains about some missing symbols, but I'm sure they are there since I can see my files

ERROR: /Users/tech/work/sourcegraph/internal/redispool/BUILD.bazel:3:11: GoCompilePkg internal/redispool/redispool.a failed: (Exit 1): builder failed: error executing command (from target //internal/redispool:redispool) bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/go_sdk/builder compilepkg -sdk external/go_sdk -installsuffix darwin_arm64 -src internal/redispool/redispool.go -src internal/redispool/sysreq.go ... (remaining 30 arguments skipped)

Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging
internal/redispool/redispool.go:78:13: undefined: RedisKeyValue
internal/redispool/redispool.go:94:13: undefined: RedisKeyValue


~/work/sourcegraph U bzl/build-go $ bazel build //dev/sg
INFO: Analyzed target //dev/sg:sg (955 packages loaded, 16719 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
ERROR: /Users/tech/work/sourcegraph/internal/conf/confdefaults/BUILD.bazel:3:11: GoCompilePkg internal/conf/confdefaults/confdefaults.a failed: (Exit 1): builder failed: error executing command (from target //internal/conf/confdefaults:confdefaults) bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/go_sdk/builder compilepkg -sdk external/go_sdk -installsuffix darwin_arm64 -src internal/conf/confdefaults/confdefaults.go -embedroot '' -embedroot ... (remaining 19 arguments skipped)

Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging
compilepkg: missing strict dependencies:
	/private/var/tmp/_bazel_tech/3eea80c6015362974b7d423d1f30cb62/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/10/execroot/__main__/internal/conf/confdefaults/confdefaults.go: import of "github.com/russellhaering/gosaml2/uuid"
No dependencies were provided.
Check that imports in Go sources match importpath attributes in deps.
Target //dev/sg:sg failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 11.559s, Critical Path: 2.93s
INFO: 36 processes: 2 internal, 34 darwin-sandbox.

Solution: run sg bazel configure to update the buildfiles automatically.

My go tests complains about missing testdata

In the case where your testdata lives in ../**, Gazelle cannot see those on its own, and you need to create a filegroup manually, see https://github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph/pull/47605/commits/93c838aad5436dc69f6695cec933bfb84b8ba59a

My go tests are timing out in CI but there is no output telling me where exactly it failed

By defaults, Go tests are run without the -v flag, which means that Go will only print a summary when the testing is complete or has failed. But in the case of Bazel timeouts, i.e. when the test target has a time out on the Bazel side (short by default, so 60 seconds) Bazel will kill the Go test binary before it had the chance to flush out its outputs. As a result, you'll see empty logs, which is very incovenient for debugging.

Solution: run bazel test --config go-verbose-test to force Bazel to run the tests with the verbose flag on for any go_test rule it encounters. If this only happens in CI, you can combine this solution with the bazel-do feature of sg which enables to fire a build running a single, specific test that you provide:

sg ci bazel test --config go-verbose-test //my/timing-out:target

This will print out the URL of the newly created build and the logs will show you exactly where the tests were when they timed out.

Manually adding a go_repository

Sometimes Gazelle won't be able to generate a go_repository for your dependency and you'll need to fill in the attributes yourself. Most of the fields are easy to get, except when you need to provide values for the sum and version.

To retrieve these values:

  1. Create a go.mod in the directory where the dependency is imported.
  2. Run go mod tidy. This will populate the go.mod file and also generate a go.sum file.
  3. You can then locate the version you should use for go_repository from the go.mod file and the sum from the go.sum file.
  4. Delete the go.mod and go.sum files as they're no longer needed.
bazel run //.aspect/bazelrc:update_aspect_bazelrc_presets


I'm getting Error in path: Not a regular file: docker-images/syntax-highlighter/Cargo.Bazel.lock when I try to build syntax-highlighter

Below is a full example of this error:

ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'crate_index':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/crates_repository.bzl", line 34, column 30, in _crates_repository_impl
                lockfiles = get_lockfiles(repository_ctx)
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/generate_utils.bzl", line 311, column 36, in get_lockfiles
                bazel = repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.lockfile) if repository_ctx.attr.lockfile else None,
Error in path: Not a regular file: /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/docker-images/syntax-highlighter/Cargo.Bazel.lock
ERROR: /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/WORKSPACE:197:18: fetching crates_repository rule //external:crate_index: Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/crates_repository.bzl", line 34, column 30, in _crates_repository_impl
                lockfiles = get_lockfiles(repository_ctx)
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/generate_utils.bzl", line 311, column 36, in get_lockfiles
                bazel = repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.lockfile) if repository_ctx.attr.lockfile else None,
Error in path: Not a regular file: /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/docker-images/syntax-highlighter/fake.lock
ERROR: Error computing the main repository mapping: no such package '@crate_index//': Not a regular file: /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/docker-images/syntax-highlighter/Cargo.Bazel.lock

The error happens when the file specified in the lockfiles attribute of crates_repository (see WORKSPACE file for the definition) does not exist on disk. Currently this rule does not generate the file, instead it just generates the content of the file. So to get passed this error you should create the file touch docker-images/syntax-highlighter/Cargo.Bazel.lock. With the file create it we can now populate Cargo.Bazel.lock with content using bazel by running sg bazel configure rustdeps.

When I build syntax-highlighter it complains that the current lockfile is out of date

The error will look like this:

INFO: Repository crate_index instantiated at:
  /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/WORKSPACE:197:18: in <toplevel>
Repository rule crates_repository defined at:
  /private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/crates_repository.bzl:106:36: in <toplevel>
INFO: repository @crate_index' used the following cache hits instead of downloading the corresponding file.
 * Hash 'dc2d47b42cbe92ebdb144555603dad08eae505fc459bae5e2503647919067ac8' for https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/releases/download/0.16.1/cargo-bazel-aarch64-apple-darwin
If the definition of 'repository @crate_index' was updated, verify that the hashes were also updated.
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'crate_index':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/crates_repository.bzl", line 45, column 28, in _crates_repository_impl
                repin = determine_repin(
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/generate_utils.bzl", line 374, column 13, in determine_repin
Error in fail: Digests do not match: Digest("3e9e0f927c955efa39a58c472a2eac60e3f89a7f3eafc7452e9acf23adf8ce5a") != Digest("ef858ae49063d5c22e0ee0b7632a8ced4994315395b17fb3c61f3e6bfb6deb27")

The current `lockfile` is out of date for 'crate_index'. Please re-run bazel using `CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN=true` if this is expected and the lockfile should be updated.
ERROR: /Users/william/code/sourcegraph/WORKSPACE:197:18: fetching crates_repository rule //external:crate_index: Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/crates_repository.bzl", line 45, column 28, in _crates_repository_impl
                repin = determine_repin(
        File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/rules_rust/crate_universe/private/generate_utils.bzl", line 374, column 13, in determine_repin
Error in fail: Digests do not match: Digest("3e9e0f927c955efa39a58c472a2eac60e3f89a7f3eafc7452e9acf23adf8ce5a") != Digest("ef858ae49063d5c22e0ee0b7632a8ced4994315395b17fb3c61f3e6bfb6deb27")

The current `lockfile` is out of date for 'crate_index'. Please re-run bazel using `CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN=true` if this is expected and the lockfile should be updated.
ERROR: Error computing the main repository mapping: no such package '@crate_index//': Digests do not match: Digest("3e9e0f927c955efa39a58c472a2eac60e3f89a7f3eafc7452e9acf23adf8ce5a") != Digest("ef858ae49063d5c22e0ee0b7632a8ced4994315395b17fb3c61f3e6bfb6deb27")

The current `lockfile` is out of date for 'crate_index'. Please re-run bazel using `CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN=true` if this is expected and the lockfile should be updated.

Bazel uses a separate lock file to track the dependencies, which need to be updated. To update the lockfile run CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN_ONLY=crate_index sg bazel configure rustdeps. This command takes a while to execute as it fetches all the dependencies specified in Cargo.lock and populates Cargo.Bazel.lock. This command might also fail in that case see.

syntax-highlighter fails to build and has the error failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module

The error looks something like this:

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `tree_sitter_all_languages`
  --> docker-images/syntax-highlighter/src/main.rs:57:15
57 |         .get(&tree_sitter_all_languages::ParserId::Go);
   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `tree_sitter_all_languages`

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

Bazel doesn't know about the module/crate being use in the rust code. If you do a git blame Cargo.toml you'll probably see that a new dependency has been added, but the build files were not updated. There are two ways to solve this:

  1. Run sg bazel configure builds rustdeps. Once the commands have completed you can check that the dependency has been picked up and syntax-highlighter can be built by running bazel build //docker-images/syntax-highlighter/.... Note this will usually work if the dependency is an external dependency.
  2. You're going to have to update the BUILD.bazel file yourself. Which one you might ask? From the above error we can see the file src/main.rs is where the error is encountered, so we need to tell its BUILD.bazel about the new dependency. For the above dependency, the crate is defined in docker-images/syntax-highlighter/crates. You'll also see that each of those crates have their own BUILD.bazel files in them, which means we can reference them as targets! Take a peak at tree-sitter-all-languages BUILD.bazel file and take note of the name - that is its target. Now that we have the name of the target we can add it as a dep to docker-images/syntax-highlighter. In the snippet below the syntax-highlighter rust_binary rule is updated with the tree-sitter-all-languages dependency. Note that we need to refer to the full target path when adding it to the dep list in the BUILD.bazel file.
    name = "syntect_server",
    srcs = ["src/main.rs"],
    aliases = aliases(),
    proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps(
        proc_macro = True,
    deps = all_crate_deps(
        normal = True,
    ) + [

bazel sync authentication failure when cloning syntect

When repinning dependencies with CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN_ONLY=crate_index sg bazel configure rustdeps it may fail with the following Cargo error:

STDERR ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Updating crates.io index
    Updating git repository `https://github.com/sourcegraph/syntect`
error: failed to get `syntect` as a dependency of package `sg-syntax v0.1.0 (/var/folders/1r/5z42n9p52zv8rfp93gxc1vfr0000gn/T/.tmpyhlucq/crates/sg-syntax)`

Caused by:
  failed to load source for dependency `syntect`

Caused by:
  Unable to update https://github.com/sourcegraph/syntect?rev=7e02c5b4085e6d935b960b8106cdd85da04532d2#7e02c5b4

Caused by:
  failed to clone into: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_william/c92ec739369034d3064b6df55c419545/external/crate_index/.cargo_home/git/db/syntect-383b2f29eb0ef0d0

Caused by:
  failed to authenticate when downloading repository: ssh://[email protected]/sourcegraph/syntect

  * attempted ssh-agent authentication, but no usernames succeeded: `git`

  if the git CLI succeeds then `net.git-fetch-with-cli` may help here

Caused by:
  no authentication methods succeeded

Error: Failed to update lockfile: exit status: 101

You might be able to Git SSH clone that repository locally, yet in Bazel Cargo, it fails. This is because Bazel Cargo doesn't use your ~/.ssh/config file and thus can't use your SSH private key. The error says you can set net.git-fetch-with-cli in Cargo.toml or configure a credential helper. All cargo settings also have environment variable variants, so you can do the repinning with CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true sg bazel configure rustdeps without setting the value in the Cargo.toml.


//docs:test is not finding my documents after I added BUILD.bazel file in a child directory

When you add a BUILD.bazel to a directory Bazel will start recognizing that directory as a package. By default nothing is exposed from the package - Yes, even plain files. So you need to tell Bazel that you would like to expose the files in the directory to the outside world / other targets by using a filegroup target:

  name = "my_files",
  srcs = glob(
  visibility = ["//doc:__pkg__"], # only targets in the //doc package can use it

We can see that all the docs are exposed by our doc by running bazel cquery //<path/to/my/target>:my_files --output=files - example:

bazel cquery "//doc/cli/references:doc_files" --output=files

INFO: Analyzed target //doc/cli/references:doc_files (100 packages loaded, 439 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...

Now that our files are exposed by a target, we need to tell Bazel to expose it to //doc:test. In /doc/BUILD.bazel update the data attribute:

    name = "test",
    size = "small",
    timeout = "moderate",
    srcs = ["test.sh"],
    args = ["$(location //dev/tools:docsite)"],
    data = [
        "//doc/mydocs:my_files, # our target
    ] + glob(
    tags = [