This guide is meant to provide instructions for how to enable precise code navigation for any programming language. The general steps for enabling precise code navigation are as follows:

  1. Install Sourcegraph CLI
  2. Install LSIF Indexer
  3. Generate LSIF data
  4. Upload LSIF data

1. Install Sourcegraph CLI

The Sourcegraph CLI is used for uploading LSIF data to your Sourcegraph instance (replace linux with darwin for macOS):

$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/src
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src

2. Install LSIF indexer

An LSIF indexer is a command line tool that performs code analysis of source code and outputs a file with metadata containing all the definitions, references, and hover documentation in a project in LSIF. The LSIF file is then uploaded to Sourcegraph to power code navigation features.

Install the indexer for the required programming language of your repository by following the instructions in the indexer's README:

  1. C++
  2. Dart
  3. Go
  4. Haskell
  5. Java
  6. JavaScript/TypeScript
  7. Jsonnet
  8. Python
  9. OCaml
  10. Scala

3. Generate LSIF data

To generate the LSIF data for your repository run the command in the generate LSIF data step found in the README of the installed indexer.

4. Upload LSIF data

The upload step is the same for all languages. Make sure the current working directory is a path inside your repository, then use the Sourcegraph CLI to upload the LSIF file:

To a private Sourcegraph instance (on prem)

$ SRC_ENDPOINT= src code-intel upload -file=dump.lsif

To cloud based

$ src code-intel upload -github-token=YourGitHubToken -file=dump.lsif

The src-cli upload command will try to infer the repository and git commit by invoking git commands on your local clone. If git is not installed, is older than version 2.7.0 or you are running on code outside of a git clone, you will need to also specify the -repo and -commit flags explicitly.

Successful output will appear similar to the following example.

Uploading a code graph index via the Sourcegraph CLI

Automate code indexing

Now that you have successfully enabled code navigation for your repository, you can automate source code indexing to ensure precise code navigation stays up to date with the most recent code changes in the repository. See our continuous integration guide to setup automation.



Once LSIF data has uploaded, open the Sourcegraph UI or your code host (i.e. GitHub) and navigate to any code file that was part of the repository that was analyzed by the LSIF indexer. Hover over a symbol, variable or function name in the file, you should now see rich LSIF metadata as the source for hover-tooltips, definitions, and references.

Error Logs

To view code graph indexer processing failures go to Repository settings > Code Graph > Activity for this repository in your Sourcegraph instance. Failures can occur if the LSIF data is invalid (e.g., malformed indexer output), or problems were encountered during processing (e.g., system-level bug, flaky connections, etc). Try again or file an issue if the problem persists.

Common Errors

Possible errors that can happen during upload include:

  • Clone in progress: the instance doesn't have the necessary data to process your upload yet, retry in a few minutes
  • Unknown repository (404): check your -endpoint and make sure you can view the repository on your Sourcegraph instance
  • Invalid commit (404): try visiting the repository at that commit on your Sourcegraph instance to trigger an update
  • Invalid auth when using or when lsifEnforceAuth is true (401 for an invalid token or 404 if the repository cannot be found on make sure your GitHub token is valid and that the repository is correct
  • Unexpected errors (500s): file an issue