Inference of auto-indexing jobs

When a commit of a repository is selected as a candidate for auto-indexing but does not have an explicitly supplied index job configuration, index jobs are inferred from the content of the repository at that commit.

This document describes the heuristics used to determine the set of index jobs to schedule. See configuration reference for additional documentation on how index jobs are configured.

As a general rule of thumb, an LSIF indexer can be invoked successfully if the source code to index can be compiled successfully. The heuristics below attempt to cover the common cases of dependency resolution, but may not be sufficient if the target code requires additional steps such as code generation, header file linking, or installation of system dependencies to compile from a fresh clone of the repository. For such cases, we recommend using the inferred job as a starting point to explicitly supply index job configuration.


For each directory containing a go.mod file, the following index job is scheduled.

  - steps:
      - root: <dir>
        image: sourcegraph/lsif-go
          - go mod download
    root: <dir>
    indexer: sourcegraph/lsif-go
      - lsif-go
      - --no-animation

For every other directory excluding vendor/ directories and their children containing one or more *.go files, the following index job is scheduled.

  - root: <dir>
    indexer: sourcegraph/lsif-go
      - GO111MODULE=off
      - lsif-go
      - --no-animation


For each directory excluding node_modules/ directories and their children containing a tsconfig.json file, the following index job is scheduled. Note that there are a dynamic number of pre-indexing steps used to resolve dependencies: for each ancestor directory ancestor(dir) containing a package.json file, the dependencies are installed via either yarn or npm. These steps run in order, depth-first.

  - steps:
      - root: <ancestor(dir)>
        image: sourcegraph/scip-typescript:autoindex
          # Yarn is used to resolve dependencies in an ancestor directory
          # when lerna.json configuration specifies "yarn" as the npmClient
          # or if the directory contains a yarn.lock file.
          - yarn --ignore-engines
      - root: <ancestor(dir)>
        image: sourcegraph/scip-typescript:autoindex
          # npm is used to resolve dependencies otherwise.
          - npm install
      - ...
      # This is run directly before indexing if a node version can be determined
      # from the package.json "engines" field, or any of the files:
      #   - .nvmrc
      #   - .node-version
      #   - .n-node-version
      - N_NODE_MIRROR= n --arch x64-musl autol
    root: <dir>
    indexer: sourcegraph/scip-typescript:autoindex
      - scip-typescript
      - index


If the repository contains a Cargo.toml file, the following index job is scheduled.

  - root: ''
    indexer: sourcegraph/lsif-rust
      - lsif-rust
      - index
    outfile: dump.lsif


If the repository contains both a lsif-java.json file as well as *.java, *.scala, or *.kt files, the following index job is scheduled.

  - root: ''
    indexer: sourcegraph/scip-java
      - scip-java
      - index
      - --build-tool=lsif
    outfile: index.scip