Common Code Insights use cases and recipes

Here are some common use cases for Code Insights and example data series queries you could use.

For all use cases, you can also explore your insight by filtering repositories in real time or add any Sourcegraph search filter to the data series query to filter by language, directory, or content. Currently, the sample queries using commit and diff searches are only supported for insights running over explicit lists of specific repositories.

The sample queries below make the assumption you do not want to search fork or archived repositories. You can include those flags if you do.

Terraform versions

Detect and track which Terraform versions are present or most popular in your codebase*)\n version =(.*)1.1.0 patternType:regexp lang:Terraform*)\n version =(.*)1.2.0 patternType:regexp lang:Terraform 

Global CSS to CSS modules

Tracking migration from global CSS to CSS modules

select:file lang:SCSS -file:module patterntype:regexp 
select:file lang:SCSS file:module patterntype:regexp 

Vulnerable and fixed Log4j versions

Confirm that vulnerable versions of log4j are removed and only fixed versions appear

lang:gradle org\.apache\.logging\.log4j['"] 2\.(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16)(\.[0-9]+) patterntype:regexp 
lang:gradle org\.apache\.logging\.log4j['"] 2\.(17)(\.[0-9]+) patterntype:regexp 

Yarn adoption

Are more repos increasingly using yarn? Track yarn adoption across teams and groups in your organization

select:repo file:yarn.lock 

Java versions

Detect and track which Java versions are most popular in your codebase

Uses the detect and track capture groups insight type

file:pom\.xml$ <java\.version>(.*)</java\.version> 

Linter override rules

A code health indicator for how many linter override rules exist

file:^\.eslintignore .\n patternType:regexp 

Language use over time

Track the growth of certain languages by file count

select:file lang:TypeScript
select:file lang:JavaScript

Pinned vs Unpinned Docker Base Images

Track how many unpinned images exist relative to pinned images

^FROM (\w+\/)?\w+:latest($|\s) file:Dockerfile patternType:regexp 
^FROM (\w+\/)?\w+:latest@sha file:Dockerfile patternType:regexp 


Config or docs file

How many repos contain a config or docs file in a specific directory

select:repo file:docs/*/new_config_filename 

“blacklist/whitelist” to “denylist/allowlist”

How the switch from files containing “blacklist/whitelist” to “denylist/allowlist” is progressing

select:file blacklist OR whitelist 
select:file denylist OR allowlist 

Global CSS to CSS modules

Tracking migration from global CSS to CSS modules

select:file lang:SCSS -file:module patterntype:regexp 
select:file lang:SCSS file:module patterntype:regexp 

Python 2 to Python 3

How far along is the Python major version migration

#!/usr/bin/env python3 
#!/usr/bin/env python2 

React Class to Function Components Migration

What's the status of migrating to React function components from class components

patternType:regexp const\s\w+:\s(React\.)?FunctionComponent
patternType:regexp extends\s(React\.)?(Pure)?Component


New API usage

How many repos or teams are using a new API your team built

select:repo ourApiLibraryName.load 

Yarn adoption

Are more repos increasingly using yarn? Track yarn adoption across teams and groups in your organization

select:repo file:yarn.lock 

Frequently used databases

Which databases we are calling or writing to most often

redis\.set patternType:regexp 
graphql\( patternType:regexp 

Large or expensive package usage

Understand if a growing number of repos import a large/expensive package

select:repo import\slargePkg patternType:regexp 

React Component use

How many places are importing components from a library

from '@sourceLibrary/component' patternType:literal 

CI tooling adoption

How many repos are using our CI system

file:\.circleci/config.yml select:repo 


CSS class

The removal of all deprecated CSS class


Icon or image

The removal of all deprecated icon or image instances


Structural code pattern

Deprecating a structural code pattern in favor of a safer pattern, like how many tries don't have catches

try {:[_]} catch (:[e]) { } finally {:[_]} lang:java patternType:structural 


The progress of deprecating tooling you’re moving off of


Var keywords

Number of var keywords in the code basee (ES5 depreciation)

(lang:TypeScript OR lang:JavaScript) var ... =  patterntype:structural

Consolidation of Testing Libraries

Which React test libraries are being consolidated

from '@testing-library/react' 
from 'enzyme' 

Versions and patterns

These examples are all for use with the automatically generated data series of "Detect and track" Code Insights, using regular expression capture groups.

Java versions

Detect and track which Java versions are most popular in your codebase

file:pom\.xml$ <java\.version>(.*)</java\.version> 

License types in the codebase

See the breakdown of licenses from package.json files

file:package.json "license":\s"(.*)" 

All log4j versions

Which log4j versions are present, including vulnerable versions

lang:gradle org\.apache\.logging\.log4j['"] 2\.([0-9]+)\. 

Python versions

Which python versions are in use or haven’t been updated

#!/usr/bin/env python([0-9]\.[0-9]+) 

Node.js versions

Which node.js versions are present based on nvm files


CSS Colors

What CSS colors are present or most popular


Types of checkov skips

See the most common reasons for why secuirty checks in checkov are skipped

patterntype:regexp #checkov:skip=(.*) 

Code health


How many TODOs are in a specific part of the codebase (or all of it)


Linter override rules

A code health indicator for how many linter override rules exist

file:^\.eslintignore .\n patternType:regexp 

Commits with “revert”

How frequently there are commits with “revert” in the commit message

type:commit revert 

Deprecated calls

How many times deprecated calls are used

lang:java @deprecated 

Storybook tests

How many tests for Storybook exist

patternType:regexp f:\.story\.tsx$ \badd\( 

Repos with Documentation

How many repos do or don't have READMEs select:repo select:repo 

Ownership via CODEOWNERS files

How many repos do or don't have CODEOWNERS files

repohasfile:CODEOWNERS select:repo 
-repohasfile:CODEOWNERS select:repo 

CI tooling adoption

How many repos are using our CI system

file:\.circleci/config.yml select:repo 


Vulnerable open source library

Confirm that a vulnerable open source library has been fully removed, or see the speed of the deprecation

[email protected] 

API keys

How quickly we notice and remove API keys when they are committed

regexMatchingAPIKey patternType:regexp 

Vulnerable and fixed Log4j versions

Confirm that vulnerable versions of log4j are removed and only fixed versions appear

lang:gradle org\.apache\.logging\.log4j['"] 2\.(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16)(\.[0-9]+) patterntype:regexp 
lang:gradle org\.apache\.logging\.log4j['"] 2\.(17)(\.[0-9]+) patterntype:regexp 

How many tests are skipped

See how many tests have skip conditions

(this.skip() OR it.skip) lang:TypeScript 

Tests amount and types

See what types of tests are most common and total counts

patternType:regexp case:yes \b(it|test)\( f:/end-to-end/.*\.test\.ts$ 
patternType:regexp case:yes \b(it|test)\( f:/regression/.*\.test\.ts$ 
patternType:regexp case:yes \b(it|test)\( f:/integration/.*\.test\.ts$ 

Types of checkov skips

See the most common reasons for why secuirty checks in checkov are skipped

Uses the detect and track capture groups insight type

patterntype:regexp #checkov:skip=(.*) 


Typescript vs. Go

Are there more Typescript or more Go files

select:file lang:TypeScript 
select:file lang:Go 

iOS app screens

What number of iOS app screens are in the entire app

struct\s(.*):\sview$ patternType:regexp lang:swift 

Adopting new API by Team

Which teams or repos have adopted a new API so far


Or filter teams by repositories in real time

Problematic API by Team

Which teams have the most usage of a problematic API

problemAPI file:teamOneDirectory 
problemAPI file:teamTwoDirectory 

Or filter teams by repositories in real time

Data fetching from GraphQL

What GraphQL operations are being called often

patternType:regexp requestGraphQL(\(|<[^>]*>\() 
patternType:regexp (query|mutate)GraphQL(\(|<[^>]*>\() 
patternType:regexp use(Query|Mutation|Connection|LazyQuery)(\(|<[^>]*>\()