Paid subscriptions for Sourcegraph Enterprise

Organizations using Sourcegraph can upgrade to Sourcegraph Enterprise to get the features that large organizations need (single sign-on, backups and recovery, cluster deployment, access to code navigation and intelligence and other Sourcegraph extensions, etc.). These additional features in Sourcegraph Enterprise are paid and not open source.

You can contact Sourcegraph to purchase a subscription. This entitles you to a license key (provided immediately after your purchase), which activates Enterprise features on your Sourcegraph instance.

Volume discounts

Contact us to ask about volume discounts for Sourcegraph Enterprise.

Pricing model

Sourcegraph's pricing is based primarily on total active user accounts. In certain situations, it is also a combination of the number of lines of code indexed. Please contact Sourcegraph to answer specific questions about our pricing model for your use.

How user accounts are counted

This count is maintained on your Sourcegraph instance, viewable and auditable on the Site admin > Users page, and is reported back in aggregate to via pings.

A Sourcegraph user account is created when a user signs up or signs in for the first time. Sourcegraph user accounts can be deleted by administrators via the Site admin > Users page, or using the GraphQL API or the Sourcegraph CLI.

How lines of code are counted

We count the number of newlines (\n) appearing in the text search index. Our text search index contains the working copy of your default branch in all repositories synchronized by Sourcegraph. The default branch is typically called master or main. Additional branches can be configured to be indexed by site administrators. These will also be part of the newlines count.

Our text search index deduplicates for paths that are the same across branches. We only count the newlines once per unique file. Forks are separately indexed. They are included in the count of new lines.

Sourcegraph administrators can view the lines of code count for each repository by visiting the repository and clicking on Settings > Indexing.

Updating your license key

  • Navigate to Site admin > Configuration > Site configuration, update the licenseKey field with the new value, and then click Save changes.