
This document describes the log output from Sourcegraph services and how to configure it.

Log levels

A Sourcegraph service's log level is configured via the environment variable SRC_LOG_LEVEL. The valid values (from most to least verbose) are:

  • dbug: Debug. Output all logs. Default in cluster deployments.
  • info: Informational.
  • warn: Warning. Default in Docker deployments.
  • eror: Error.
  • crit: Critical.

Learn more about how to apply these environment variables in docker-compose and server deployments.

Log format

A Sourcegraph service's log output format is configured via the environment variable SRC_LOG_FORMAT. The valid values are:


When configured to export JSON logs, Sourcegraph services that have migrated to the new internal logging standard that will export a JSON log format compliant with OpenTelemetry's log data model:

  "Timestamp": 1651000257893614000,
  "InstrumentationScope": "string",
  "SeverityText": "string (DEBUG, INFO, ...)",
  "Body": "string",
  "Attributes": { "key": "value" },
  "Resource": {
    "service.name": "string",
    "service.version": "string",
    "service.instance.id": "string",
  "TraceId": "string (optional)",
  "SpanId": "string (optional)",

We also include the following non-OpenTelemetry fields:

  "Caller": "string",
  "Function": "string",

Log sampling

Sourcegraph services that have migrated to the new internal logging standard have log sampling enabled by default. The first 100 identical log entries per second will always be output, but thereafter only every 100th identical message will be output.

This behaviour can be configured for each service using the following environment variables:

  • SRC_LOG_SAMPLING_INITIAL: the number of entries with identical messages to always output per second
  • SRC_LOG_SAMPLING_THEREAFTER: the number of entries with identical messages to discard before emitting another one per second, after SRC_LOG_SAMPLING_INITIAL.

Setting SRC_LOG_SAMPLING_INITIAL to 0 or -1 will disable log sampling entirely.