Go dependencies integration with Sourcegraph

You can use Sourcegraph with Go modules from any Go module proxy, including open source code from proxy.golang.org or a private proxy such as Athens. This integration makes it possible to search and navigate through the source code of published Go modules (for example, gorilla/[email protected]).

Feature Supported?
Repository syncing
Rate limiting
Repository permissions

Repository syncing

There are currently two ways to sync Go dependency repositories.

  • Dependencies search: Sourcegraph automatically syncs Go dependency repos that are found in go.mod files during a dependencies search.
  • Code host configuration: manually list dependencies in the "dependencies" section of the JSON configuration when creating the Go dependency code host. This method can be useful to verify that the credentials are picked up correctly without having to run a dependencies search.

Sourcegraph tries to find each dependency repository in all configured "urls" until it's found. This means you can configure a public proxy first and fallback to a private one second (e.g. "urls": ["https://proxy.golang.org", "https://admin:[email protected]"]).


Each entry in the "urls" array can contain basic auth if needed (e.g. https://user:[email protected]).

Rate limiting

By default, requests to the Go module proxies will be rate-limited based on a default internal limit. (source)

"rateLimit": {
  "enabled": true,
  "requestsPerHour": 57600.0

where the requestsPerHour field is set based on your requirements.

Not recommended: Rate-limiting can be turned off entirely as well. This increases the risk of overloading the proxy.

"rateLimit": {
  "enabled": false

Repository permissions

⚠️ Go dependency repositories are visible by all users of the Sourcegraph instance.