Importing the Sourcegraph API module

In order to use the Sourcegraph extension API, your extension needs to import the sourcegraph module at the top of the file.

This import will look like this:

import * as sourcegraph from 'sourcegraph'

Or, with the equivalent require syntax:

const sourcegraph = require('sourcegraph')

How the import works

Unlike a regular module that is installed with npm or yarn and is packaged or bundled with your project, the sourcegraph module is actually injected dynamically when your extension is loaded within a Sourcegraph instance.

The sourcegraph module that you install as a package.json dependency is actually a set of TypeScript type definitions that allow you to use the Sourcegraph API's interfaces. The module doesn't contain the implementations of these interfaces.


Because the sourcegraph module doesn't actually contain any implementation code, a separate helper module is provided to create stubs of the API for testing: @sourcegraph/extension-api-stubs.

See Testing extensions for more about writing automated tests for your extension.