Code intelligence environment variables

All of the following environment variables are prefixed with PRECISE_CODE_INTEL.


The following are variables are read from the frontend service to control code intelligence behavior exposed via the GraphQL API.

Name Default Description
_HUNK_CACHE_SIZE 1000 The capacity of the git diff hunk cache.
_DIAGNOSTICS_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 1000 The maximum number of document records to migrate at a time.
_DIAGNOSTICS_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_DEFINITIONS_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 1000 The maximum number of definition records to migrate at once.
_DEFINITIONS_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_REFERENCES_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 1000 The maximum number of reference records to migrate at a time.
_REFERENCES_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_DOCUMENT_COLUMN_SPLIT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of document records to migrate at a time.
_DOCUMENT_COLUMN_SPLIT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_API_DOCS_SEARCH_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 1 The maximum number of bundles to migrate at a time.
_API_DOCS_SEARCH_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_COMMITTED_AT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of upload records to migrate at a time.
_COMMITTED_AT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.
_REFERENCE_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of upload records to migrate at a time.
_REFERENCE_COUNT_MIGRATION_BATCH_INTERVAL 1s The timeout between processing migration batches.

The following settings should be the same for the precise-code-intel-worker service as well.

Name Default Description
_UPLOAD_BACKEND MinIO The target file service for code intelligence uploads. S3, GCS, and MinIO are supported.
_UPLOAD_MANAGE_BUCKET false Whether or not the client should manage the target bucket configuration
_UPLOAD_BUCKET lsif-uploads The name of the bucket to store LSIF uploads in
_UPLOAD_TTL 168h The maximum age of an upload before deletion

The following settings should be the same for the codeintel-auto-indexing worker task as well.

Name Default Description
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_REPOSITORIES_INSPECTED_PER_SECOND 0 The maximum number of repositories inspected for auto-indexing per second. Set to zero to disable limit.
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_REPOSITORIES_UPDATED_PER_SECOND 0 The maximum number of repositories cloned or fetched for auto-indexing per second. Set to zero to disable limit.
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_INDEX_JOBS_PER_INFERRED_CONFIGURATION 25 Repositories with a number of inferred auto-index jobs exceeding this threshold will be auto-indexed


The following are variables are read from the worker service to control code intelligence behavior run in asynchronous background tasks.


The following variables influence the behavior of the codeintel-commitgraph worker task.

Name Default Description
_MAX_AGE_FOR_NON_STALE_BRANCHES 2160h (about 3 months) The age after which a branch should be considered stale. Code intelligence indexes will be evicted from stale branches.
_MAX_AGE_FOR_NON_STALE_TAGS 8760h (about 1 year) The age after which a tagged commit should be considered stale. Code intelligence indexes will be evicted from stale tagged commits.
_COMMIT_GRAPH_UPDATE_TASK_INTERVAL 10s The frequency with which to run periodic codeintel commit graph update tasks.


The following variables influence the behavior of the codeintel-auto-indexing worker task.

Name Default Description
_AUTO_INDEXING_TASK_INTERVAL 10m The frequency with which to run periodic codeintel auto-indexing tasks.
_AUTO_INDEXING_REPOSITORY_PROCESS_DELAY 24h The minimum frequency that the same repository can be considered for auto-index scheduling.
_AUTO_INDEXING_REPOSITORY_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of repositories to consider for auto-indexing scheduling at a time.
_AUTO_INDEXING_POLICY_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of policies to consider for auto-indexing scheduling at a time.
_DEPENDENCY_INDEXER_SCHEDULER_POLL_INTERVAL 1s Interval between queries to the dependency indexing job queue.
_DEPENDENCY_INDEXER_SCHEDULER_CONCURRENCY 1 The maximum number of dependency graphs that can be processed concurrently.

The following settings should be the same for the frontend service as well.

Name Default Description
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_REPOSITORIES_INSPECTED_PER_SECOND 0 The maximum number of repositories inspected for auto-indexing per second. Set to zero to disable limit.
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_REPOSITORIES_UPDATED_PER_SECOND 0 The maximum number of repositories cloned or fetched for auto-indexing per second. Set to zero to disable limit.
_AUTO_INDEX_MAXIMUM_INDEX_JOBS_PER_INFERRED_CONFIGURATION 25 Repositories with a number of inferred auto-index jobs exceeding this threshold will be auto-indexed


The following variables influence the behavior of the codeintel-janitor worker task.

Name Default Description
_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT 24h The maximum time an upload can be in the 'uploading' state.
_CLEANUP_TASK_INTERVAL 1m The frequency with which to run periodic codeintel cleanup tasks.
_COMMIT_RESOLVER_TASK_INTERVAL 10s The frequency with which to run the periodic commit resolver task.
_COMMIT_RESOLVER_MINIMUM_TIME_SINCE_LAST_CHECK 24h The minimum time the commit resolver will re-check an upload or index record.
_COMMIT_RESOLVER_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of unique commits to resolve at a time.
_COMMIT_RESOLVER_MAXIMUM_COMMIT_LAG 0s The maximum acceptable delay between accepting an upload and its commit becoming resolvable. Be cautious about setting this to a large value, as uploads for unresolvable commits will be retried periodically during this interval.
_RETENTION_REPOSITORY_PROCESS_DELAY 24h The minimum frequency that the same repository's uploads can be considered for expiration.
_RETENTION_REPOSITORY_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of repositories to consider for expiration at a time.
_RETENTION_UPLOAD_PROCESS_DELAY 24h The minimum frequency that the same upload record can be considered for expiration.
_RETENTION_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of uploads to consider for expiration at a time.
_RETENTION_POLICY_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of policies to consider for expiration at a time.
_RETENTION_COMMIT_BATCH_SIZE 100 The number of commits to process per upload at a time.
_RETENTION_BRANCHES_CACHE_MAX_KEYS 10000 The number of maximum keys used to cache the set of branches visible from a commit.
_CONFIGURATION_POLICY_MEMBERSHIP_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of policy configurations to update repository membership for at a time.
_DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_CURRENT_MINIMUM_TIME_SINCE_LAST_CHECK 24h The minimum time the documentation search current janitor will re-check records for a unique search key.
_DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_CURRENT_BATCH_SIZE 100 The maximum number of unique search keys to clean up at a time.


The following are variables are read from the precise-code-intel-worker service to control code intelligence upload processing behavior.

Name Default Description
_WORKER_POLL_INTERVAL 1s Interval between queries to the upload queue.
_WORKER_CONCURRENCY 1 The maximum number of indexes that can be processed concurrently.
_WORKER_BUDGET 0 The amount of compressed input data (in bytes) a worker can process concurrently. Zero acts as an infinite budget.

The following settings should be the same for the frontend service as well.

Name Default Description
_UPLOAD_BACKEND MinIO The target file service for code intelligence uploads. S3, GCS, and MinIO are supported.
_UPLOAD_MANAGE_BUCKET false Whether or not the client should manage the target bucket configuration
_UPLOAD_BUCKET lsif-uploads The name of the bucket to store LSIF uploads in
_UPLOAD_TTL 168h The maximum age of an upload before deletion