src api


Name Description Default Value
-dump-requests Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout false
-get-curl Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!) false
-insecure-skip-verify Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains false
-query GraphQL query to execute, e.g. 'query { currentUser { username } }' (stdin otherwise)
-trace Log the trace ID for requests. See false
-user-agent-telemetry Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph true
-vars GraphQL query variables to include as JSON string, e.g. '{"var": "val", "var2": "val2"}'


Usage of 'src api':
    	Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout
    	Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!)
    	Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains
  -query string
    	GraphQL query to execute, e.g. 'query { currentUser { username } }' (stdin otherwise)
    	Log the trace ID for requests. See
    	Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph (default true)
  -vars string
    	GraphQL query variables to include as JSON string, e.g. '{"var": "val", "var2": "val2"}'

Exit codes:

  0: Success
  1: General failures (connection issues, invalid HTTP response, etc.)
  2: GraphQL error response


  Run queries (identical behavior):

    	$ echo 'query { currentUser { username } }' | src api
    	$ src api -query='query { currentUser { username } }'

  Specify query variables:

    	$ echo '<query>' | src api 'var1=val1' 'var2=val2'

  Searching for "Router" and getting result count:

    	$ echo 'query($query: String!) { search(query: $query) { results { resultCount } } }' | src api 'query=Router'

  Get the curl command for a query (just add '-get-curl' in the flags section):

    	$ src api -get-curl -query='query { currentUser { username } }'