
Sourcegraph supports the use of Kustomize to modify and customize our Kubernetes manifests. Kustomize is a template-free way to customize configuration with a simple configuration file.

Some benefits of using Kustomize to generate manifests instead of modifying the base directly include:

  • Reduce the odds of encountering a merge conflict when updating Sourcegraph - they allow you to separate your unique changes from the upstream base files Sourcegraph provides.
  • Better enable Sourcegraph to support you if you run into issues, because how your deployment varies from our defaults is encapsulated in a small set of files.

Using Kustomize

General premise

In general, we recommend that customizations work like this:

  1. Create, customize, and apply overlays for your deployment
  2. Ensure the services came up correctly, then commit all the customizations to the new branch
git add /overlays/$MY_OVERLAY/*
# Keeping all overlays contained to a single commit allows for easier cherry-picking
git commit amend -m "overlays: update $MY_OVERLAY"

See the overlays guide to learn about the overlays we provide and how to create your own overlays.


An overlay specifies customizations for a base directory of Kubernetes manifests, in this case the base/ directory in the reference repository.

Overlays can:

  • Be used for example to change the number of replicas, change a namespace, add a label, etc
  • Refer to other overlays that eventually refer to the base (forming a directed acyclic graph with the base as the root)

Using overlays

Overlays can be used in one of two ways:

  • With kubectl: Starting with kubectl client version 1.14 kubectl can handle kustomization.yaml files directly. When using kubectl there is no intermediate step that generates actual manifest files. Instead the combined resources from the overlays and the base are directly sent to the cluster. This is done with the kubectl apply -k command. The argument to the command is a directory containing a kustomization.yaml file.
  • Withkustomize: This generates manifest files that are then applied in the conventional way using kubectl apply -f.

The overlays provided in our overlays directory rely on the kustomize tool and the overlay-generate-cluster.sh script in the root directory to generate the manifests. There are two reasons why it was set up like this:

  • It avoids having to put a kustomization.yaml file in the base directory and forcing users that don't use overlays to deal with it (unfortunately kubectl apply -f doesn't work if a kustomization.yaml file is in the directory).
  • It generates manifests instead of applying them directly. This provides opportunity to additionally validate the files and also allows using kubectl apply -f with --prune flag turned on (apply -k with --prune does not work correctly).

Generating Manifests

To generate Kubernetes manifests from an overlay, run the overlay-generate-cluster.sh with two arguments:

  • the name of the overlay
  • and a path to an output directory where the generated manifests will be

For example:

#                overlay directory name    output directory
#                                 |             |
./overlay-generate-cluster.sh my-overlay generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

We recommend that you:

You can now get started with using overlays:

Provided overlays

Overlays provided out-of-the-box are in the subdirectories of deploy-sourcegraph/overlays and are documented here.

Namespaced overlay

This overlay adds a namespace declaration to all the manifests.

  1. Change the namespace by replacing ns-sourcegraph to the name of your choice everywhere within the overlays/namespaced/ directory.

  2. Generate the overlay by running this command from the root directory:

    ./overlay-generate-cluster.sh namespaced generated-cluster
  3. Create the namespace if it doesn't exist yet:

    kubectl create namespace ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE>
    kubectl label namespace ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE> name=ns-sourcegraph
  4. Apply the generated manifests (from the generated-cluster directory) by running this command from the root directory:

kubectl apply -n ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE> --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
  1. Check for the namespaces and their status with:
kubectl get pods -A


By default Sourcegraph is configured to use a storage class called sourcegraph. If you wish to use an alternate name, you can use this overlay to change all storageClass references in the manifests.

You need to create the storageclass if it doesn't exist yet. See these docs for more instructions.

  1. To use it, update the following two files, replace-storageclass-name-pvc.yaml and replace-storageclass-name-sts.yaml in the deploy-sourcegraph/overlays/storageclass directory with your storageclass name.

  2. To generate to the cluster, execute the following command:

./overlay-generate-cluster.sh storageclass generated-cluster
  1. After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:
kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
  1. Ensure the persistent volumes have been created in the correct storage class by running the following command and inspecting the output:
kubectl get pvc

Non-privileged create cluster overlay

This kustomization is for Sourcegraph installations in clusters with security restrictions. It runs all containers as a non root users, as well removing cluster roles and cluster role bindings and does all the rolebinding in a namespace. It configures Prometheus to work in the namespace and not require ClusterRole wide privileges when doing service discovery for scraping targets. It also disables cAdvisor.

This version and non-privileged need to stay in sync. This version is only used for cluster creation.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./overlay-generate-cluster.sh non-privileged-create-cluster generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl create namespace ns-sourcegraph
kubectl apply -n ns-sourcegraph --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

Non-privileged overlay

This overlay is for continued use after you have successfully deployed the non-privileged-create-cluster. It runs all containers as a non root users, as well removing cluster roles and cluster role bindings and does all the rolebinding in a namespace. It configures Prometheus to work in the namespace and not require ClusterRole wide privileges when doing service discovery for scraping targets. It also disables cAdvisor.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./overlay-generate-cluster.sh non-privileged generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply -n ns-sourcegraph --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

If you are starting a fresh installation use the overlay non-privileged-create-cluster. After creation you can use the overlay non-privileged.

Migrate-to-nonprivileged overlay

If you already are running a Sourcegraph instance using user root and want to convert to running with non-root user then you need to apply a migration step that will change the permissions of all persistent volumes so that the volumes can be used by the non-root user. This migration is provided as overlay migrate-to-nonprivileged. After the migration you can use overlay non-privileged. If you have previously deployed your cluster in a non-default namespace, be sure to edit the kustomization.yaml file in the overlays directly to ensure the files are generated with the correct namespace.

This kustomization injects initContainers in all pods with persistent volumes to transfer ownership of directories to specified non-root users. It is used for migrating existing installations to a non-privileged environment.

./overlay-generate-cluster.sh migrate-to-nonprivileged generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

minikube overlay

This kustomization deletes resource declarations and storage classnames to enable running Sourcegraph on minikube.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./overlay-generate-cluster.sh minikube generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

minikube start
kubectl create namespace ns-sourcegraph
kubectl -n ns-sourcegraph apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
kubectl -n ns-sourcegraph expose deployment sourcegraph-frontend --type=NodePort --name sourcegraph --port=3080 --target-port=3080
minikube service list

To tear it down:

kubectl delete namespaces ns-sourcegraph
minikube stop

Custom overlays

To create your own overlays, first set up your deployment reference repository to enable customizations.

Then, within the overlays directory of the reference repository, create a new directory for your overlay along with a kustomization.yaml.

 |-- overlays
 |    |-- my-new-overlay
 |    |    +-- kustomization.yaml
 |    |-- bases
 |    +-- ...
 +-- ...

Within kustomization.yaml:

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
# Only include resources from 'overlays/bases' you are interested in modifying
# To learn more about bases: https://kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io/references/kustomize/glossary/#base
  - ../bases/deployments
  - ../bases/rbac-roles
  - ../bases/pvcs

You can then define patches, transformations, and more. A complete reference is available here. To get started, we recommend you explore writing your own patches, or the more specific variants:

To avoid complications with reference cycles an overlay can only reference resources inside the directory subtree of the directory it resides in (symlinks are not allowed either).

Learn more in the kustomization documentation. You can also explore how our provided overlays use patches, for reference: deploy-sourcegraph usage of patches.

Once you have created your overlays, refer to our overlays guide to generate and apply your changes.